Easy desserts menu for Valentine's Day

Easy desserts menu for Valentine's Day
Easy desserts menu for Valentine's Day

Detail Ingredients:

  1. Jell-O No Bake Oreo Cheesecake
  2. California Sunshine
  3. Valrhona Dark Satilia Noire
  4. frank's ice cream Dialicous vanilla
  5. Hershey’ Syrup
  6. Butter
  7. Your choices of fruits

How to: There are 3 packs of ingredients in a Jell-O No Bake Oreo Cheesecake box. The 1st envelope was a crushed Oreo. The 2nd sachet is a powder for whipping cream. The 3rd envelope is a coarsely crushed Oreo.

Step 1: Melt about 3 tablespoons of butter, mix the melted butter and Oreo powder in the first sachet. Mix well and put in a container for refrigeration.

Step 2: Pour the second sachet mixture with cold milk. Using about 1-1/3 cups of milk Adjust the beat slowly for 30 seconds, then increase it to medium level for another 3 minutes. Then pour the third oreo sachet into it and mix it with the whipped cream. Use about half a pack and mix well. Then pour the cream over the Oreo powder that we mixed with the butter in the first step. Refrigerate for about 1 hour. When serving, sprinkle the remaining third sachet on top.

Step 3: Melt the chocolate and wait for it to cool down a bit. Then put about half of the balloons into the chocolate coating. Wait for it to set well and poke the balloon.

Arrange the plate by placing the Jell-O No Bake Oreo Cheesecake and top with Frank's diabetic ice cream. Cover with the chocolate dome. Garnished with raspberries and blueberries, or fruit of your choice. Before eating, pour Hershey Syrup over the chocolate dome. Let the melted chocolate break apart which creates a fun eating experience.

Author: Madame Villa